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Vestibulum sit amet ante eget diam scellioness_3-wallpaper-1280x960erisque eleifend. Nam metus mauris, cursus non suscipit ut, faucibus ut quam. Quisque ac scelerisque dolor. Nam sapien leo, euismod id elementum ut, dapibus eget elit. Nunc posuere porttitor nulla facilisis congue. Maecenas molestie quam eu nibh porttitor, vitae vestibulum turpis molestie. Sed quis mauris vitae dolor imperdiet pharetra. Sed et eros eget sapien tempor cursus sit amet eget eros. Nunc a mauris imperdiet, scelerisque diam laoreet, consequat nibh. Morbi gravida ornare sem, aliquet vehicula augue egestas eget. Sed mollis fringilla enim, ac accumsan metus porta et. Fusce ut lacinia ante, et pretium velit. Nullam eget metus enim. Vestibulum mollis leo in nulla tristique, sit amet tincidunt nibh tincidunt. Cras at sem at leo pretium bibendum et at nisl. Pellentesque odio enim, consectetur vitae commodo non, facilisis tincidunt justo.

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Heading 3

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[gap height=”15″] [quote font_style=”normal”] Maecenas ullamcorper est vitae sem ornare interdum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer dolor diam, tincidunt ac euismod ac, sollicitudin varius ante.[/quote] Curabitur sit amet magna quam. Praesent in libero vel turpis pellentesque egestas sit amet vel nunc. Nunc lobortis dui neque, quis accumsan dolor. Aenean aliquet dignissim semper. [quote font_style=”normal” bcolor=”#e5e5e5″ align=”right”]sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.[/quote]Curabitur sit amet magna quam. Praesent in libero vel turpis pellentesque egestas sit amet vel nunc. Nunc lobortis dui neque, quis accumsan dolor. Aenean aliquet dignissim semper. Maecenas ullamcorper est vitae sem ornare interdum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer dolor diam, tincidunt ac euismod ac, sollicitudin varius ante. Pellentesque elementum commodo dolor sit amet semper. Nullam id massa a turpis bibendum tincidunt. [gap height=”20″]

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Ordered & Unordered Lists

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Aliquam pharetra metus tempus nisi ornare venenatis.
  • In pellentesque lacus non odio malesuada, ac pulvinar purus ornare.
  • Mauris eu tortor luctus, mollis purus quis, scelerisque sapien.
  • In fermentum urna quis convallis feugiat.
  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Aliquam pharetra metus tempus nisi ornare venenatis.
  3. In pellentesque lacus non odio malesuada, ac pulvinar purus ornare.
  4. Mauris eu tortor luctus, mollis purus quis, scelerisque sapien.
  5. In fermentum urna quis convallis feugiat.

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Nested Lists

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  • List item one
    • List item one
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  • List item one
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      1. List item one
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      4. List item four
    2. List item two
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  • List item two
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Icon list 1640+

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[gap height=”15″] Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer dolor diam, tincidunt ac euismod ac, sollicitudin varius ante. [highlight]Pellentesque elementum commodo[/highlight] dolor sit amet semper. Nullam id massa a turpis bibendum tincidunt. Donec non augue id augue [highlight bgcolor=”#5ba5de” txtcolor=”#ffffff”]dignissim molestie elementum[/highlight] vitae velit. Quisque laoreet eleifend posuere. Mauris congue venenatis nisl ut varius. In posuere [highlight bgcolor=”#de5b5b” txtcolor=”#ffffff”]sem lorem, eu iaculis[/highlight] ante. [gap height=”20″]

Pre & Code

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function foo($arg_1, $arg_2, /* ..., */ $arg_n)
    echo "Example function.n";
    return $retval;

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Employee Salary
John Doe $1 Because that’s all Steve Jobs needed for a salary.
Jane Doe $100K For all the blogging she does.
Fred Bloggs $100M Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? So Jane x 1,000.
Jane Bloggs $100B With hair like that?! Enough said…
Last Name First Name Email Due Web Site
Smith John $50.00
Bach Frank $50.00
Doe Jason $100.00
Conway Tim $50.00

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Definition Lists

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Definition List Title
Definition list division.
A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
Coined by Rob Dyrdek and his personal body guard Christopher “Big Black” Boykins, “Do Work” works as a self motivator, to motivating your friends.
Do It Live
I’ll let Bill O’Reilly will explain this one.



Lockdowns in China Force Urban Communities to Defy Censorship and Vent Frustration Online




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Shanghai’s rich middle class is leading a wave of online dissent over the strict and prolonged lockdowns imposed in various parts of the country. Chinese internet censorship is struggling as patience is wearing thin in many urban centers, coming up with creative forms of online protests.

Social Media Posts Revealing Lockdown Tension in Shanghai

Drawn-out lockdowns are nothing new in China as authorities insist with the nation’s zero-Covid policy since the start of the pandemic. Currently over This time around, however, metropolitan areas like Shanghai are increasingly difficult to keep quiet, given that its more than 25 million residents have seen weeks of total isolation along with food shortages and many other service interruptions.

Dozens of towns and reportedly over 300 million Chinese citizens have been affected by lockdowns of different severity. As expected, urban netizens have been most outspoken over their difficulties by finding creative ways to get around state censorship and bans placed on topics, news comments and spontaneous campaigns.

Shanghai residents have been using mobile proxies and hijacking seemingly unrelated hashtags to talk about healthcare issues, delivery failures and the overall severity of their situation. The “positive energy” that the Chinese government wants to transmit during the recent prolonged series of lockdowns does not come naturally to those counting food supplies and online censors are working hard to filter words, trending topics and undesired social media sharing.

WeChat groups and message threads are under constant monitoring. Posts questioning the zero-Covid approach have been quickly deleted, including by leading Chinese health experts like Dr. Zhong Nanshan. Video footage is soon censored and protests and investigations are quickly made to disappear.

Where this has not worked, officials have exposed banners with warnings and outright threats like “watch your own mouth or face punishment”, while drones have been patrolling the city skies. Yet, if anything, this has led to further tensions and unspoken confrontation with Shanghai’s educated and affluent middle class.

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Announcements by Chinese social media that they would be publishing the IP addresses of users who “spread rumors” have not helped either. Tech industry research has shown that much of Asia’s tech-savvy population has a habit of using mobile proxies and other privacy tools, quickly finding workarounds to browse the internet freely and talk to the world about the hottest topics.

The sheer volume of forbidden posts is already a challenge for the very censorship system, experts explain. Unable to track all trending hashtags, state workers overlook topics that speak about the US, Ukraine or other popular news. Linking human rights elsewhere to their situation, Chinese online dissidents establish their informal channels and “hijack” the conversation to share personal or publicly relevant information about the Covid suppression in their town.

Sarcastic and satirical posts still dominate. Others hope to evade the censors by replacing words from famous poems or the national anthem. One thing is certain – social media, when harnessed with the right creativity, has proven its ability to mount pressure on the government in even some of the most strictly controlled tech environments like China.

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