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‘India won’t prove easy for Satya Nadella to push Windows 10’



New Delhi: As the world awaits the Wednesday launch of Windows 10 operating system by Microsoft, with which its Indian-born chief executive Satya Nadella wants to power a billion devices in a few years, its potential efficacy in India has evoked mixed response among analysts.

While some feel it may not be a super hit, despite a free update for those with versions above Wondows 7, others say it will prove more of use on devices other than personal computers, like smart phones, tablets and other hand-helds.

This apart, its acceptability at the enterprise level is also in doubt. Nevertheless, Windows 10 will also help those with pirated versions of Microsoft operating systems to migrate to an authentic version, making room for a wide range of applications to choose from.

“At the enterprise level, adoption will vary. Early adopters of Windows 7 may migrate to Windows 10 if they have some compelling business reasons. Cost is not the only concern for organizations. It is also about security, compatibility and manageability,” said Vishal Tripathi, research director at Gartner India.

“Organisations use legacy- and custom-based applications than regular plug-and-play software. A compatibility test is needed. That will require time and effort. Those that recently migrated to Windows 7 will not move away too quickly, while others will wait and watch,” Tripathi told IANS

According to Prasanto K. Roy, a noted technology writer and chief editor of Trivone, a media and digital services company, Windows is an overhaul of the previous version that had flopped. But getting enterprises to upgrade to it will be near-impossible.

“This apart, PC sales are also weak and Windows users don’t upgrade the way Mac OS users (or iOS users) do when a new OS is launched. This is true worldwide, and even more so in India,” Roy told IANS.

“Overall, I think Windows 10 is great. But it isn’t going to save Microsoft or do much for its desktop revenues.”

Another analyst, Kiran Kumar of IDC, said India has an installed base of 55-60 million personal computers, out of which some 55 percent are with individual consumers while the remaining are with businesses and institutions.

“An increase of even 1.5-2 percent in PC volumes will mean around 10 million additional volumes. Consumers will be eager to go for the new Microsoft launch, as Windows 10 is a free upgrade. These will be targets for vendors like Microsoft,” Kumar told IANS.

But it is over the enterprises market that analysts seem to converge with the forecasts.

“The enterprise market remains a tough nut to crack for Windows. This is true globally and more so in India, because enterprises are reluctant to upgrade,” said Roy, adding, as stability is the main criteria, may will hold on to ageing Windows 7 or even the obsolete, 13-year-old Windows XP.

“It’s next to impossible to get a large enterprise to upgrade Windows, or even to agree to buy hardware with the latest version of Windows within the same year of a new version’s launch,” Roy said.

Clearly, the experts feel that Microsoft appears to be targeting new devices.

“By offering Windows 10 free, Microsoft is attempting to compete with Apple, Samsung and Sony in the tablets and smartphones segment where they use iOS and Andriod OS, developed by Google,” said Siva Kumar, a software engineer in Bengaluru.

“With more users shifting to tablets and smartphones for their mobility and convenience, Microsoft is trying to catch up with peers with its Lumia, which it acquired from Nokia post its takeover,” he added.

Even Microsoft has conceded this bit.

“The world today is very different from the one in which Windows grew up. Today, devices outnumber people. Connectivity is like oxygen. The tension between the desire for agility versus stability poses a huge challenge for IT Pros,” Microsoft said.

“The new Windows must be built from the ground-up for a mobile-first, cloud-first world. This new Windows must help our customers be productive in both their digital work and their digital life,” the company said ahead of the launch

“This new Windows must empower people and organisations to do great things. That new Windows is Windows 10,” it said, adding it will target devices small or large screens, or even some that don’t have screens at all.

Stating that it will also target devices that are 10 feet away, use touch, or a pen, or even gestures, besides the traditional mouse or keyboards, Microsoft said Windows 10 is not about one user interface but one product family, tailored for every device.

But how far will Microsoft be able to penetrate the smartphone market?

Said Roy: “Mobiles, including tablets are a big focus for Windows 10. But its share of smartphones is so low in India and the world that it becomes irrelevant. I don’t see that changing in India or elsewhere, however great Windows 10 Mobile may be – even with smoother Android-apps support.”


Casino Days Reveal Internal Data on Most Popular Smartphones




CasinoDays India

International online casino Casino Days has published a report sharing their internal data on what types and brands of devices are used to play on the platform by users from the South Asian region.

Such aggregate data analyses allow the operator to optimise their website for the brands and models of devices people are actually using.

The insights gained through the research also help Casino Days tailor their services based on the better understanding of their clients and their needs.

Desktops and Tablets Lose the Battle vs Mobile

The primary data samples analysed by Casino Days reveal that mobile connections dominate the market in South Asia and are responsible for a whopping 96.6% of gaming sessions, while computers and tablets have negligible shares of 2.9% and 0.5% respectively.

CasinoDays India

The authors of the study point out that historically, playing online casino was exclusively done on computers, and attribute thе major shift to mobile that has unfolded over time to the wide spread of cheaper smartphones and mobile data plans in South Asia.

“Some of the reasons behind this massive difference in device type are affordability, technical advantages, as well as cheaper and more obtainable internet plans for mobiles than those for computers,” the researchers comment.

Xiaomi and Vivo Outperform Samsung, Apple Way Down in Rankings

Chinese brands Xiaomi and Vivo were used by 21.9% and 20.79% of Casino Days players from South Asia respectively, and together with the positioned in third place with a 18.1% share South Korean brand Samsung dominate the market among real money gamers in the region.


CasinoDays India

Cupertino, California-based Apple is way down in seventh with a user share of just 2.29%, overshadowed by Chinese brands Realme (11.43%), OPPO (11.23%), and OnePlus (4.07%).

Huawei is at the very bottom of the chart with a tiny share just below the single percent mark, trailing behind mobile devices by Motorola, Google, and Infinix.

The data on actual phone usage provided by Casino Days, even though limited to the gaming parts of the population of South Asia, paints a different picture from global statistics on smartphone shipments by vendors.

Apple and Samsung have been sharing the worldwide lead for over a decade, while current regional leader Xiaomi secured their third position globally just a couple of years ago.

Striking Android Dominance among South Asian Real Money Gaming Communities

The shifted market share patterns of the world’s top smartphone brands in South Asia observed by the Casino Days research paper reveal a striking dominance of Android devices at the expense of iOS-powered phones.

On the global level, Android enjoys a comfortable lead with a sizable 68.79% share which grows to nearly 79% when we look at the whole continent of Asia. The data on South Asian real money gaming communities suggests that Android’s dominance grows even higher and is north of the 90% mark.

Among the major factors behind these figures, the authors of the study point to the relative affordability of and greater availability of Android devices in the region, especially when manufactured locally in countries like India and Vietnam.

“And, with influencers and tech reviews putting emphasis on Android devices, the choice of mobile phone brand and OS becomes easy; Android has a much wider range of products and caters to the Asian online casino market in ways that Apple can’t due to technical limitations,” the researchers add.

The far better integration achieved by Google Pay compared to its counterpart Apple Pay has also played a crucial role in shaping the existing smartphone market trends.


Content provided by Adverloom

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